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Did you receive safety training?
🟢 Yes
Were you made aware of hazards on the job?
🟢 Yes
Did you witness or experience an injury on the job?
🔴 Yes
Did you witness or experience bullying or harassment on the job?
🟢 No
Did the company have an incident reporting process?
🟢 Yes
Did you feel comfortable reporting safety incidents to management?
🟢 Yes
Additional details:
I started with Entera in 2006 and have been involved with its growth from 30 odd workers to over 300 today. The top level management support in safety has been present from the start. There have been growing pains but there has always been a culture of learning from past mistakes and continous improvement. I have enjoyed my first 17 years there and look forward to continuing to make this company better through to retirement!
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